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Mommy in Heels & OSCAR'S AND PEARLS

If you are anything like me, and on ocassion enjoy the GREAT OUDOORS.

I follow LAUREN CONRAD's blog, and follow her on facebook, while she has MANY MANY tips for fashion, make up tutorial, traevling etc.. There are some TIPS and IDEAS that you can morph, tweak and maky it into a MOMMY & ME ACTIVITY. Being a mommy is my favorite thing in the world, and I want to embrace it, enjoy as much time with her as possible, but at the same time maintain my HEELS/fashion (Tory burch flats).

If you are a home-body at <3 heart <3 , here is  FUN activity you sure will ENJOY. 

Being a mommy in heels is SERIOUS BUSINESS. So making the MOST out of EVERY occasion is most definitely a MUST especially when it consists of activities you ENJOY and your little DIVA in the making is still needs a little assistance in being 100% FASHIONABLE. 


 While my little Raizel (Razzle Dazzle) Muriel does love herself some CC'S SWEETS AND TWEETS cupcakes, she sure does love FINGER FOODS, perhaps instead of popcorn we will use CEREAL PUFFS for her.. SHE IS JUST 1 (; AFTER ALL. 


Here is a picture of CC'S SWEETS AND TWEETS, wonderful HEAVEN of delicious CUPCAKES, FRENCH macarons and SO MUCH MORE! Speaking of Macaron's my little one loves herself macaron's too... now that I remember, why not add them onto your OSCAR AND PEARLS menu?

LAST BUT NOT LEAST, the last two items to make a night in OSCAR'S IN PEARL'S an ABSOLUTE HIT!! 

Allow your little one to go CRAZY ((well a little crazy, with supervision of course)) in your jewelry box. 

If you have any fun activities that you would like to share please send it over to 

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