Gender Reveal Party

*Photography 4Ever After Photography
* Invitation & Gender Reveal Party from Then Comes Paper
Gender Reveal Party
Gender Reveal Party’s seem to be a hip thing nowadays. Not everyone is having
them vs. the traditional baby shower but they are happening more frequently. I
have seen this trend several ways.
Where blue is for boy and pink is for girl. The decorations of the party are pink &
blue all around. Guest choose if they think the Mother to be is having a boy or a girl
at the beginning of the party and there are several ways this can be revealed.
There can be a box and the parents to be open it and out comes pink or blue
Another way is to have a cake or cupcakes and the middle being pink or blue tells
what the sex of the baby is.
Or you can have balloons and inside there is a message that says boy or girl and
when the balloons are popped everyone finds out what it is!
A cute party favor that I have seen on Pintrest is Hershey Bars that are colored Pink
in the she or blue in the he.
There are several different ways you can do this gender reveal party such as pick
your favorite color for a girl and favorite color for a boy, or even have a what “What
will it bee ? “ theme with yellow and bee’s being the main decoration.
There are several different ways this can be done. My personal favorite would be go
with your favorite colors.
Invite & Party- Then Comes Paper
Photography- 4Ever After Photography
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