DYI Cake Stand

DYI Cake Stand
*Image Via Pintrest
Materials Needed
- · Clay Pot (any size depending on how big/tall you want)
- · Clay Saucer (make sure it is big enough to cover the pot)
- · E6000 Glue
- · Paint depending on what color you want for the cake stand
*These materials can be purchased at Wal-Mart, Home Depot/Lowes, Valley Garden Center (Pots) and Hobby Lobby
Step 1-You take off all the price tags on the pots (if any) and paint and cover the pots completely. (I left mine to dry for the next day) Allow yourself enough time for the paint to dry completely.
Step 2-Apply the E6000 Glue to the bottom of the Clay Pot (remember there might be a hole at the bottom of the pot, so try not get it all over your hands)
Step 3-put the bottom of the clay pot that has glue to the top of the saucer (in other words the pot should have a flat surface (let this dry completely to make sure it is glued on securely)
*I saw this on Pintrest but there were no instructions so I had to improvise. I had the glue from another clay pot project and it worked. In the picture it shows the saucer faced up, I did mine face down and I think it looks much better but it’s your choice.
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