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DYI 1/2 Birthday Cake

DYI ½ Birthday Cake

 Materials Needed

  • 2 Styrofoam circles
  • Straight pins
  • Felt to cover Styrofoam
  • Ribbon to cover cake (this will be the frosting of the cake)


Extra Materials that could be used

  • Cardboard to place cake on
  • Stickers to spell out child’s name and ½ Birthday (I used a print out)


Once you have gathered your materials you cut the Styrofoam circles in half and place the extra half’s on top. *Make sure your circles are the same size by placing them on top of each other at the store*

Use straight pins and cover the Styrofoam with felt or other material completely.*Make sure you cover completely and securely. *


Use ribbon or other material to act as the “frosting” of the cake and pin securely.

 Add extra embellishments to make the cake look real. 


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