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Going out to eat? Need something to do tonight? A place to stay? Publish or learn of a Public Service? or simply just want to take advantage of the giveaways? You're on the right website!! McAllen is growing, becoming more metropolitan and we want you to keep up.  We want tourists to visit McAllen for vacation and for  McAllen citizens to enjoy their staycation as much as possible.

We are Lizbeth and Carlos Muriel.

"McAllen, a small town with a big city feel"

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From Lizbeth <3

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting an incredible group of people for the past 7 months. was launched by my husband and I.. with one goal, to help the locals with their business. When we would go out of town, we would notice how there were nothing but franchises, and don’t get me wrong… I LOOOVEEE cheesecake factory, I’ll be the first in line if they opened one here. But the most beautiful thing about the valley is that it is full of dreamers, that get things done.

I am not going to say that the past 7 months have been easy, because I would be lying.. but they have been so rewarding. Launching your own business while going to school was very difficult. But it can be done! If I have not gotten the chance to meet you, let me tell you something about me. I am a newly wed, I have been married for 8 moths, to the most beautiful man on this earth, Carlos. He is my rock, my best friend, my everything, and although the whole idea of having a website like this was my idea, it would have not been possible without him.. Carlos and I are COMPLETE.. and I do mean TOTAL opposites.

Carlos: can build a desk from instructions
Me (Lizbeth): if there are no pictures in the instruction manual, it will not be done. Plus, building is not my thing, why cant things just come assembled?
Carlos: he loves STAR WARS, he can assemble, disassemble, and build a computer from scratch.
Me (Lizbeth): Somehow, I have managed to make a MAC computer stop working… [they are soo incredibly reliable] and nooo, I have NEVER seen one Star Wars Movie.
Carlos: he has a toy room, full of geeky stuff, like 3 computers, literally bombarded by star wars figurines.. and what not..
Me (Lizbeth): the other extra room in the house is an extension of my closet.
You see what I mean? He is EVERYTHING I am not, and that’s why he completes me.

So anyways, he knows tons about computers and websites, and what not so he designed the site, came up with ideas, and also my ideas happen!! And VOILA! The site is there!!

As a new wife, I have tried coming up with traditions.. like going to the movies Saturdays, date night on Mondays, etc.. I find this soo incredibly important for a couple, and or a family.. to be able to rely on ONE day to be constant, not to change.. If you have kids in your family, I highly recommend PEPPER’S your tradition on MONDAYS, not because they are my clients and I love them… (I DO!) but because kids eat free on Mondays at Pepper’s!

Having a home, a business, a loving husband and family makes me realize how blessed I really am. I do not know if you guys know about the ILOVEMCALLEN.COM clients, but every single person that is on the site, has adopted a non-profit organization, it is actually a REQUIERMENT if they want to be on the site.  We need to give back!! Not take things for granted. This is why the Haiti devastation really hit close to home, seeing how many deaths, how many families were separated, it really hurt me. So IloveMcAllen decided to do something about it… local business joined forces to come up with a PROMOTIONAL card for YOU to buy for $20. 100% the money goes to the red cross, we did not spent a PENNY for the cards, or the posters everything was donated by COPY PLUS, (thank youu!!) these discount cards named: “MCALLEN <3’S HAITI” is a wonderful way to give back, not only will you be giving to HAITI but you will also be getting something in return.
This not a blog to promote anything, just so that you can get to know me a little more.. I am here to serve, if you should need anything please contact us ILOVEMCALLEN@GMAIL.COM feel free to add me to my facebook or twitter:

"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


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